Report of meeting held Monday, 20th February 2017

Minutes of a meeting of the board of directors of the Company held at BBPA Offices, Brewers’ Hall, Aldermanbury Square, London, EC2V 7HR on Monday, 20th February 2017 at 12:30 pm


Present:                                                                                                                           Apologies:

Sir Peter Luff (Chairman) – (SPL)                                                                                   George Barnes (GB)

Mike Clist – (MC)                                                                                                               James Anderson (JA)

Brigid Simmonds – (BS)

Kate Nicholls – (KN)

Bill Sharpe – (BS)

Nick Griffin (NG)

Martin Caffrey (MCa)

Jim Cathcart – (JC)

Chris Welham (CW)

Paul Newby (PN)

Fiona Moran – (FM)

Sophie Clarke – (SC)



Sir Peter Luff welcomed Paul Newby (as the Pubs Code Adjudicator) and Sophie Clarke – (Communications and Marketing Executive from BII), to the meeting.


The Chairman noted that the meeting had been duly convened, that a quorum of five directors was present in accordance with the Articles of Association and declared the meeting open.


2.Minutes of the last meeting 17th October 2016

The Chair proceeded with the meeting by requesting that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th October, 2016 be proposed as a true and accurate record of the discussions that took place.

The Board approved the minutes.


3.PICA-Service update/cases

    • FM advised the Board there had been 5 PICA enquiries since the last PGB meeting, 4 agreed between parties and 1 closed due to a lack of evidence.
    • MC confirmed to the Board that he had received 426 Business helpline calls from 21st July 2016 up to and including January 2017 and around 40 so far for February.


    4.PIRRS case update

      • FM gave an update on open PIRRS Cases.
      • 7 active cases, 5 cases with Independent Experts, 1 in the process of appointing the Independent Expert and 1 case is currently on hold.
      • 3 cases are awaiting payment of the administration fee to proceed.
      • PN addressed the board with regards to the PIRRS Procedure Paper, Section 4 “The Tenant selects the Independent Expert” and asked if the Independent Expert had to be a Chartered Surveyor? The answer was yes and that all experts on the PIRRS listing were. He also asked that the PIRRS procedure paper be altered to ensure there was no doubt on this point. JC will amend.


      5.PGB Subscriptions

        • FM gave an update to the Board. All but two small payments are now in. BS confirmed that The Liberation Group who have recently purchased Butcombe are now BBPA members and will come under the new 0-499 code. They have agreed to contribute.


        6.PIRRS Over 500 Update

          • JC gave an overview of tied tenants over 500 having access to PIRRS. The over 500 PIRRS paper was reviewed and approved.
          • KN commented that there needs to be a re-launch, and confirm to over 500 company tenants and lessees when and when they cannot use the PIRRS process. The press release should also contain more information for tenants and encourage them to use PIRRS when appropriate.


          JC/BS will draft a press release with a statement from Sir Peter and include PN in the circulation and information to go on the PIRRS website to make it clear how and when PIRRS could be used for tenants and lessees of the over 500 companies.


          7.PICA Scotland

            • MC addressed the Board and confirmed he has 6 potential members for the new Scottish PICAS Scottish panel and a training day for the new panel members is being arranged.
            • JC advised the Board that FM had updated the PICAS website with the Scottish information.


            8.Paul Newby – Pub Code Adjudicator Update

              • PN thanked the Board for the invite to attend the meeting.
              • PN made a presentation to the Board on his role and the current state of affairs at the Pubs Code Adjudicator’s office including numbers of referrals.
              • MC raised a concern over tenants missing MRO timeframes and it was agreed that the PGB would keep sending information out to the press and its members.
              • PN confirmed to the Board that they have a bulletin which they send out to pub companies and he would forward a copy for the Board to see (copy attached)
              • Whilst the PCA were responsible for compliance for the over 500 companies, MC asked that the PGB discuss compliance for the 0-499 groups at the next meeting.
              • Sir Peter thanked PN for attending the meeting


              9.Next Meeting

              Monday, 26th June 2017: 12:30pm – 2.00 pm




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