Report of the Meeting Held Monday, 21st May 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the board of directors of the Company held at BBPA Offices, Brewers’ Hall, Aldermanbury Square, London, EC2V 7HR on Monday, 21st May 2018 at 12:30 pm

Present:                                                                                                      Apologies:

Mike Clist (Chairman) – (MC)                                                                      Sir Peter Luff – (SPL)

Brigid Simmonds – (BS)                                                                                Chris Welham (CW)

Kate Nicholls – (KN)

James Anderson (JA)

Bill Sharpe (BS)

Nick Griffin (NG)

Martin Caffrey (MCa)

George Barnes (GB)

Sue Allen (SA)

Fiona Moran – (FM)



MC addressed the Board with apologies from SPL and CW, and agreed with the Board in the absence of SPL, MC would Chair the meeting.



 1. Preliminary

The Chairman noted that the meeting had been duly convened, that a quorum of five directors were present in accordance with the Articles of Association and declared the meeting open.

2.  Minutes of the last meeting 8th January 2018

The Chair proceeded with the meeting by requesting that the minutes of the meeting held on 8th January 2018 be proposed as a true and accurate record of the discussions that took place. The Board approved the minutes.

3.Matters arising from the minutes

BS gave apologies regarding the draft for the practical and legal issues to Kite Mark Companies with agreements operating within the under 500 code, this had not been completed by JC due to his departure from BBPA to join UKHospitality. KN confirmed she was happy for JC to continue to work with the BBPA and bring forward proposals to the next meeting.

4. PICA-Service update of cases

    • FM advised the Board that there had been no new PICA-Service enquires since the last PGB meeting.
    • MC confirmed that of the remaining open cases, one had been settled and a second resolved.
    • KN asked how the numbers of cases were reported; MC confirmed that this was covered by the annual audit report.

5. PIRRS case update & Panel

  • FM gave an update on the open PIRRS Cases.
  • 4 active cases, 2 of which are new cases since the last PGB meeting and both awaiting the return of the Landlord application forms. Timetables have been issued by the Independent Expert for one case and the Reasoned Limited Determination is due this week for the fourth case. A discussion was held with regards to the delay in the Independent Expert’s determination in one case due to illness.
  • There have been 5 new PIRRS enquiries since the last PGB meeting and 8 cases closed.
  • FM confirmed that the two columns for the Independent Expert deadline and Independent Expert comments have now been included on the database as agreed at the last meeting.

The PIRRS Panel

  • FM informed the Board that there had been a couple of Independent Experts who had retired or left their current employment bringing the number of Independent Experts down to 13.
  • MC confirmed he would write to Dan Mackernan of Savills, for him to recommend any colleague who would like to be on the panel. It was also suggested that Board member could also make a recommendation.


  • MC to write to Dan Mackernan at Savills – MC to update the Board at the next meeting.

6. Accounts & Proposal for Subscription fees 2018 

  • MC circulated and discussed the Profit and Loss accounts for the 9 months ending 2018 and the forecast for 01/08/18 – 31/07/19.
  • The Board approved the increase of the Management fee from £33,000 to £34,000.
  • MC proposed an increase in the subscription fee for 2018 from £16 to £18.

 7. Annual Audit

  • FM circulated the draft Annual Audit for 2018 for review and comments. FM discussed possible amendments and changes which the board approved, and suggested further amendments and a deadline date for return of 1st September.


FM to re-circulate the draft annual audit to the Board, for approval to go to pub Companies at the beginning of June.

8. PGB Board Membership

  • BS confirmed that JC had stepped down JC as a Director, and requested for him to be removed at Companies House.
  • MC confirmed that there is a shortage on the tenant side and it was therefore agreed that for the time being no further appointments would be made to the Board.


After Note:

FM has spoken to Gill Cooper for the removal of JC at Companies House as a Director.


9. BDM Training

  • SA presented to the Board an update on the BDM working party feedback.
  • A discussion was held regarding the cost, timing and assessment, who could produce the work book and the cost to produce it. It was agreed that these points should be discussed with the working party and reported back to the PGB.


SA to confirm the cost for producing the BDM work book

 10.Correspondence and AOB

  • MC opened the discussion regarding the letter received from Fullers, a discussion was held regarding the content and the majority of the board felt that points 1 & 2 are not matters for the PGB to comment on and should be directed to RICS.
  • Question 3 was discussed in some depth, at present the Voluntary Code does not specifically cover the issue of turnover rents, but may be a consideration to review when The Statutory Code is reviewed in 2019.
  • The Board agreed for MC to draft a letter to Fullers with GB to review.
  • BS commented that Joules who have enquired to PIRRS are not signatories to the code and cannot proceed through PIRRS. It was agreed that FM would provide details to SA for her to contact Joules direct.
  • GB addressed the Board regarding GDPR for the PGB, it was agreed for FM to draft the Privacy Statements for the PGB, PIRRS and PICA-Service.

After Note:

The letter has been reviewed by MC and GB and sent to Fullers by FM – 23rd May 2018



FM to provide SA with the details for Joules.

FM to draft GDPR Privacy Statements for PGB, PIRRS and PICA-Service


11. Date and Time of Next Meeting:

  • It was agreed to confirm with SPL his availability with the aim of holding the meeting around the beginning of October once the questionnaires have all been received.


FM to liaise with SPL for his availability, and to then circulate the doodle poll.


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